Religious Education is taught according to the framework of the Northamptonshire Agreed Syllabus. Children learn about the main features and teachings of Christianity and other main religious faiths including Hinduism, Sikhism and Islam. Pupils are encouraged to respect others’ beliefs and values helping to promote tolerance and understanding between those of different races and cultures. We also have themed weeks where the schools totally immerse themselves into a particular religion. Visits to different places of worship form part of the RE curriculum. Daily Collective Worship, along with providing structured time for reflection, forms an essential part of our school day. We have close links with our parish and our local vicar plays an active role in collective worship.
At Flore CE Primary School , we follow the Agreed syllabus and use 'Understanding Christianity' as a supplement to aid the teaching and learning in order for the children to really have a solid grasp on the Christian Faith. Children learn about the main features and teachings of Christianity and other main religious faiths including Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism and Islam. Pupils are encouraged to respect others’ beliefs and values helping to promote tolerance and understanding between those of different races and cultures. Daily Collective Worship, along with providing structured time for reflection, forms an essential part of our school day. We have close links with our parish and our local vicars play an active role in collective worship.
As a Church of England School, the Christian faith is the foundations of everything that we do at Flore CE Primary School. In all learning and life experiences, we aim to fulfil our school vision.
We promote an environment where all children feel known, accepted, and valued as individuals, within a caring community, where our Christian faith affects not only what we teach, but also how we teach.
We believe that it is fundamental for the children to belong to a safe and nurturing community, founded on strong Christian values where children will develop an array of skills that will enable them to make their own positive contribution to our global society.
Our aims for all the children in RE are:
Our whole curriculum is shaped by our school vision which aims to enable all children, regardless of background, ability, additional needs, to flourish to become the very best version of themselves they can possibly be. The statement of entitlements lays out the entitlement of all children to receive a high quality Religious Education which supports them in all aspects of their learning.
Religious education in a Church school should enable every child to flourish and “to live life in all its fullness. (John 10:10). It will help educate for dignity and respect encouraging all to live well together” (Statement of Entitlement).
The statement lays out the details of coverage of the RE curriculum in church schools. We ensure that we fully meet the requirement of the statement of entitlement for Church schools.
Our RE teaching is informed by different teaching schemes; the local RE syllabus, Understanding Christianity and the Peterborough Diocese Syllabus. By using these schemes alongside each other, we are ensuring children are given the opportunity to become religiously literate.
Understanding Christianity is based upon seven core Christian concepts. Children will explore the different concepts in a range of inspiring activities as they move through the school, starting in Foundation Stage and developing a great depth of understanding by the time they reach Year 6.