Equality Statement

At Flore CE Primary  School we are committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for all pupils, staff, parents and carers receiving services from the school, irrespective of race, sex, gender, disability, faith or religion or socioeconomic background. We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which all those connected to the school feel proud of their identity and able to participate fully in school life.

The school recognises it has to make special efforts to ensure that all groups prosper including:

  • Boys and girls, men and women
  • All minority ethnic groups including travellers, refugees and asylum seekers
  • Pupils or families with different religions or beliefs
  • Pupils and others with special educational needs
  • Pupils and others with a range of disabilities
  • Children who are looked after and their carers
  • Children or staff who are gay or lesbian
  • Staff undergoing gender reassignment

The achievement of pupils is monitored by race, sex, gender and disability and we use this data to support pupils, raise standards and ensure inclusive teaching. We tackle discrimination by the positive promotion of equality, challenging bullying and stereotypes and creating an environment which champions respect for all. As a school we believe that diversity is a strength, which should be respected and celebrated by all those who learn, teach and visit us. As a school we try to ensure that disabled pupils can play as full a part as possible in school life. We implement accessibility plans, which are aimed at:

  • Increasing the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the curriculum.
  • Improving the physical environment of the school to enable disabled pupils to take better advantage of education, benefits, facilities and services provided.
  • Improving the availability of accessible information to disabled pupils and their families.

Equality Objectives

  1. Ensure that the achievement (progress) of children from vulnerable and disadvantaged families is in line with or above that of non-disadvantaged children.
  2. Ensure the school actively promotes and prioritises raising awareness, appreciation and celebration of diversity including gender, sexuality, race and religion.
  3. To maximise opportunities and achievement for all groups of pupils, including gender, sexuality, race and religion and those with SEN, including access to extracurricular activities.

Please find the link to the Equality Policy here.



Useful Links

Abilitynet gives free information and advice on any aspect of the use of a computer by someone with a disability.

Action on Hearing Loss runs a telephone/teletext helpline and also produces information leaflets and fact sheets.

Arthritis Care campaigns nationally, and also works through a network of local groups and centres offering support, advice and training. Information is available on their website and they represent the best source of information nationally on arthritis, its impact and on ways that colleges and centres may best be able to meet the requirements of learners with arthritis.

Autism West Midlands  Leading charity in the West Midlands for people affected by autism.

British Deaf Association is an organisation of Deaf people that represents the Deaf community.

The British Dyslexia Association offers advice, information and help to families, professionals and dyslexic individuals. It works to raise awareness and understanding of dyslexia, and to effect change. BDA provides a range of useful resources related to dyslexia.

Broadbandsuppliers is a site which collates valuable advice on online resources for disabled users.

Foundation for people with learning disabilities The Foundation provides
information, resources and services and tries to influence government and local authority policies and services so that they better meet the needs people with learning disabilities.

Gov.uk – disabled People This part of the Gov.uk website has been designed to help people find out about their civil rights. It provides information on legislation that exists to help establish employees and employers.

Diabetes UK has a mass of information about diabetes that is of wider interest and would certainly be helpful to schools.

Down’s Syndrome Association (DSA) provides information, advice and support to parents and individuals with Downs Syndrome. It also provides information and advice to professionals whose work requires an understanding of the condition.

Dyslexia Action (DA) is a charity that specialises in the assessment and teaching of people with dyslexia and is now the only national dyslexia teaching organisation in the world. It seeks ways to improve the effectiveness of teaching and also focuses on the development of teaching materials.

Epilepsy Action has developed a large website that includes basic information about the condition that will be useful to schools. The site also provides an index of reference material for those who wish to develop a more detailed understanding of epilepsy.

Local Offer- Northamptonshire County Council The Local Offer publishes services available for children and young people (aged 0-25) with special educational needs and disabilities.

The Equality Human Rights’ Commission (EHRC) is an independent body, established to eliminate the discrimination faced by disabled people and to promote equality of opportunity. The EHRC produces many useful guides and publications such as how to organise disability awareness/equality training and it has a fully accessible helpline.

Mencap is one of the major organisations for people with learning difficulties. Mencap has produced an education resource pack for those over 16 years old which supports their Essential Skills Award. The resource was developed by Mencap National College and focuses on enabling learners to develop “practical skills for the real world”. For more information on the award, call Tracy Wardle on 01935 403120 or e-mail tracy.wardle@mencap.org.uk.

The Mental Health Foundation The Foundation produces many publications on mental health. It also produces a newsletter, monthly updates and factsheets.

MIND (National Association for Mental Health) is a mental health charity covering England and Wales. Factsheets can be downloaded from their website on issues such as mental health problems and learning disabilities.

National Autistic Society provides an enormous amount of information ranging from introductory information to links to research sites. This is an extremely valuable resource for education professionals.
National Deaf Children’s Society (NCDS) provides professionals with the latest information on campaigns, government news, NCDS projects and academic and professional research, publications and resources that are available to you.

NASEN (The National Association for Special Educational Needs) is an organisation that provides a forum for those actively involved with exceptional learning needs and/or disabilities and contributes to the formulation and development of policy in the area. NASEN also publishes quarterly the British Journal of Special Education and Support for Learning.

National Autistic Society provides an enormous amount of information ranging from introductory information to links to research sites. This is an extremely valuable resource for education professionals.

NDCS (National Deaf Children’s Society) campaigns to break down barriers faced by deaf children and young people. The website provides a considerable amount of information and research for families, young people and professionals working in the field.

RADAR (Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation) provides information and advice on all aspects of disability and has also compiled a list of recommended Disability Awareness or Equality trainers.

Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) produces a huge range of resource materials. It runs a telephone information service and supports this with a range of fact sheets. One of the main ways in which LAs, schools and colleges will need to respond to DDA Part 4 is by ensuring that blind and partially sighted students can have access to teaching materials. RNIB has a wealth of experience in this area.

Sense The national (UK) voluntary organization working with and supporting people of all ages who are deafblind or have associated disabilities.

Scope is a national organisation for people with cerebral palsy. It also offers a range of services to professional staff in education and social services including information and advice. The Scope website offers a large quantity of useful information online and also provides a large index of additional publications that colleagues working primarily with disabled students will find very useful. The site is large and it may be helpful to go directly to the online publications catalogue: www.scope.org.uk/action/publications/index.shtml

SHINE is happy to provide information to professionals working with young people with spina bifida and hydrocephalus to enable them to provide improved support. Their website includes a publications section which is extremely helpful for education staff.

Widgit.com Warwickshire school staff can now access a private area of the Widgit website. This area enables Warwickshire staff to access resources developed as part of the Symbol Inclusion Project, as well as other materials developed by the Widgit team. Also on the site is an area for technical support, help sheets and training materials. To access the Warwickshire web pages you will need a user name and password. Click on the SIP symbol on the Widgit site. Alternatively email: sip@widgit.com
All Warwickshire schools have access to Communicate in Print 2 via a Countywide licence. This website will tell you more about the software available.

World of Inclusion provides training and resources primarily for schools, but also for colleges and local authorities around the issue of inclusion for all students within our education system.

Equality Statement

At Flore CE Primary  School we are committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for all pupils, staff, parents and carers receiving services from the school, irrespective of race, sex, gender, disability, faith or religion or socioeconomic background. We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which all those connected to the school feel proud of their identity and able to participate fully in school life.

The school recognises it has to make special efforts to ensure that all groups prosper including:

  • Boys and girls, men and women
  • All minority ethnic groups including travellers, refugees and asylum seekers
  • Pupils or families with different religions or beliefs
  • Pupils and others with special educational needs
  • Pupils and others with a range of disabilities
  • Children who are looked after and their carers
  • Children or staff who are gay or lesbian
  • Staff undergoing gender reassignment

The achievement of pupils is monitored by race, sex, gender and disability and we use this data to support pupils, raise standards and ensure inclusive teaching. We tackle discrimination by the positive promotion of equality, challenging bullying and stereotypes and creating an environment which champions respect for all. As a school we believe that diversity is a strength, which should be respected and celebrated by all those who learn, teach and visit us. As a school we try to ensure that disabled pupils can play as full a part as possible in school life. We implement accessibility plans, which are aimed at:

  • Increasing the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the curriculum.
  • Improving the physical environment of the school to enable disabled pupils to take better advantage of education, benefits, facilities and services provided.
  • Improving the availability of accessible information to disabled pupils and their families.

Equality Objectives

  1. Ensure that the achievement (progress) of children from vulnerable and disadvantaged families is in line with or above that of non-disadvantaged children.
  2. Ensure the school actively promotes and prioritises raising awareness, appreciation and celebration of diversity including gender, sexuality, race and religion.
  3. To maximise opportunities and achievement for all groups of pupils, including gender, sexuality, race and religion and those with SEN, including access to extracurricular activities.

Please find the link to the Equality Policy here.



Useful Links

Abilitynet gives free information and advice on any aspect of the use of a computer by someone with a disability.

Action on Hearing Loss runs a telephone/teletext helpline and also produces information leaflets and fact sheets.

Arthritis Care campaigns nationally, and also works through a network of local groups and centres offering support, advice and training. Information is available on their website and they represent the best source of information nationally on arthritis, its impact and on ways that colleges and centres may best be able to meet the requirements of learners with arthritis.

Autism West Midlands  Leading charity in the West Midlands for people affected by autism.

British Deaf Association is an organisation of Deaf people that represents the Deaf community.

The British Dyslexia Association offers advice, information and help to families, professionals and dyslexic individuals. It works to raise awareness and understanding of dyslexia, and to effect change. BDA provides a range of useful resources related to dyslexia.

Broadbandsuppliers is a site which collates valuable advice on online resources for disabled users.

Foundation for people with learning disabilities The Foundation provides
information, resources and services and tries to influence government and local authority policies and services so that they better meet the needs people with learning disabilities.

Gov.uk – disabled People This part of the Gov.uk website has been designed to help people find out about their civil rights. It provides information on legislation that exists to help establish employees and employers.

Diabetes UK has a mass of information about diabetes that is of wider interest and would certainly be helpful to schools.

Down’s Syndrome Association (DSA) provides information, advice and support to parents and individuals with Downs Syndrome. It also provides information and advice to professionals whose work requires an understanding of the condition.

Dyslexia Action (DA) is a charity that specialises in the assessment and teaching of people with dyslexia and is now the only national dyslexia teaching organisation in the world. It seeks ways to improve the effectiveness of teaching and also focuses on the development of teaching materials.

Epilepsy Action has developed a large website that includes basic information about the condition that will be useful to schools. The site also provides an index of reference material for those who wish to develop a more detailed understanding of epilepsy.

Local Offer- Northamptonshire County Council The Local Offer publishes services available for children and young people (aged 0-25) with special educational needs and disabilities.

The Equality Human Rights’ Commission (EHRC) is an independent body, established to eliminate the discrimination faced by disabled people and to promote equality of opportunity. The EHRC produces many useful guides and publications such as how to organise disability awareness/equality training and it has a fully accessible helpline.

Mencap is one of the major organisations for people with learning difficulties. Mencap has produced an education resource pack for those over 16 years old which supports their Essential Skills Award. The resource was developed by Mencap National College and focuses on enabling learners to develop “practical skills for the real world”. For more information on the award, call Tracy Wardle on 01935 403120 or e-mail tracy.wardle@mencap.org.uk.

The Mental Health Foundation The Foundation produces many publications on mental health. It also produces a newsletter, monthly updates and factsheets.

MIND (National Association for Mental Health) is a mental health charity covering England and Wales. Factsheets can be downloaded from their website on issues such as mental health problems and learning disabilities.

National Autistic Society provides an enormous amount of information ranging from introductory information to links to research sites. This is an extremely valuable resource for education professionals.
National Deaf Children’s Society (NCDS) provides professionals with the latest information on campaigns, government news, NCDS projects and academic and professional research, publications and resources that are available to you.

NASEN (The National Association for Special Educational Needs) is an organisation that provides a forum for those actively involved with exceptional learning needs and/or disabilities and contributes to the formulation and development of policy in the area. NASEN also publishes quarterly the British Journal of Special Education and Support for Learning.

National Autistic Society provides an enormous amount of information ranging from introductory information to links to research sites. This is an extremely valuable resource for education professionals.

NDCS (National Deaf Children’s Society) campaigns to break down barriers faced by deaf children and young people. The website provides a considerable amount of information and research for families, young people and professionals working in the field.

RADAR (Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation) provides information and advice on all aspects of disability and has also compiled a list of recommended Disability Awareness or Equality trainers.

Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) produces a huge range of resource materials. It runs a telephone information service and supports this with a range of fact sheets. One of the main ways in which LAs, schools and colleges will need to respond to DDA Part 4 is by ensuring that blind and partially sighted students can have access to teaching materials. RNIB has a wealth of experience in this area.

Sense The national (UK) voluntary organization working with and supporting people of all ages who are deafblind or have associated disabilities.

Scope is a national organisation for people with cerebral palsy. It also offers a range of services to professional staff in education and social services including information and advice. The Scope website offers a large quantity of useful information online and also provides a large index of additional publications that colleagues working primarily with disabled students will find very useful. The site is large and it may be helpful to go directly to the online publications catalogue: www.scope.org.uk/action/publications/index.shtml

SHINE is happy to provide information to professionals working with young people with spina bifida and hydrocephalus to enable them to provide improved support. Their website includes a publications section which is extremely helpful for education staff.

Widgit.com Warwickshire school staff can now access a private area of the Widgit website. This area enables Warwickshire staff to access resources developed as part of the Symbol Inclusion Project, as well as other materials developed by the Widgit team. Also on the site is an area for technical support, help sheets and training materials. To access the Warwickshire web pages you will need a user name and password. Click on the SIP symbol on the Widgit site. Alternatively email: sip@widgit.com
All Warwickshire schools have access to Communicate in Print 2 via a Countywide licence. This website will tell you more about the software available.

World of Inclusion provides training and resources primarily for schools, but also for colleges and local authorities around the issue of inclusion for all students within our education system.