Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Mrs Rebecca Wigston (SENDCo) is responsible for Special Educational Needs at Flore C of E Primary school. 

Mrs Wigston can be contacted via the school office or by email mrs.wigston@floreceprimary.co.uk 

The governor with responsibility for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) is Mrs Sue Lawrence who can be contacted via the school office. on 01327 340415. 

 We do not discriminate against pupils with SEND and we do all that we can to meet the needs of a wide range of pupils with SEND.

These fall into 4 main categories:

Communication, Speech and Language

Cognition and Learning

Emotional, Social and Mental Health

Physical difficulties.

At Flore Church of England Primary School all of our teachers and support staff are teachers of SEND pupils and the majority of our pupils have their needs met within the classroom setting. However, teachers consult the SENDCo if they have additional concerns about any pupil and sometimes additional interventions may be put in place to support these children – this is SEND Support.

If further advice is needed then the SENDCo may seek support from outside agencies.

Northamptonshire County Council has a Local Offer. This Local Offer publishes services available for children and young people (aged 0-25) with special educational needs and disabilities.

Details can be found here https://www.westnorthants.gov.uk/local-offer 

Parents will be consulted at the earliest opportunity and we aim to work together with parents to ensure maximum progress. Pupils will be involved in planning and reviewing where it is deemed appropriate according to their age and level of understanding.

Sometimes pupils may have an Individual Provision Map (IPM) outlining the specific targets that are being worked on, these will be reviewed at least three times a year.

If children require further input, beyond the normal in school provision, then they may need an Education and Health Care (EHC) assessment. This is only carried out in circumstances when the needs of the pupil cannot be met following all other interventions provided.

Sometimes members of staff may require additional training to help them meet the needs of SEND pupils. This may take place outside of school or as whole school training.


Funding for SEND is through delegated resources from the school budget although the school can apply for high needs funding in exceptional circumstances.

Our school Inclusion Policy sets out the way in which the school will address the needs of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities.  

To read the school's SEND report please click here.


If parents or carers have any complaints regarding SEND then they should consult the class teacher in the first instance.

If further information is required then the SENDCo/Executive Headteacher should be consulted.

The SEND governor can also be contacted if necessary.